Monday, June 2, 2025 at 9:00 AM until Friday, June 6, 2025 at 4:00 PMCentral Daylight Time UTC -05:00
Lamar University Science and Technology Building919 Iowa StBeaumont, TX 77705United States
Camper Code of Conduct
Every participant, faculty, and staff associated with camp is to be treated with dignity and respect.
Campers are not allowed to leave campus. Anyone caught off campus will be sent home.
Please do not run, yell, or make excessive noise (except during recreation}.
Wear shoes and proper clothing at all times.
Please use proper conduct while in the dining hall. After you have eaten your meal, please put away your tray and dispose of all trash.
If you are sick or injured, please notify your team leader, or come to the Science & Technology building immediately.
Use vending machines at your own risk. Lamar University is not responsible for lost change.
The schedule for the day is to be observed.
The drinking and/or possession of alcoholic beverages is strictly forbidden during camp.
The possession, use, and distribution of illegal substances/drugs are strictly prohibited.
Possessing and using weapons or firearms of any sort is strictly prohibited.
Vandalism, disturbing the peace, or inappropriate behavior during camp will not be tolerated.
Any damage will be the financial responsibility of the person(s) responsible.
The possession, use, and distribution of tobacco products are not permitted at any time during camp. This includes all e-cigarettes and “vapes.”
Campers are not permitted to use cell phones during academic sessions or recreation.
Any act by a camper that violates federal, state, provincial, or local law will be a violation of this Code of Conduct.
Campers and parents will sign a copy of this Code of Conduct and provide complete medical information and a release form.
Any additional rules pertinent to a specific event shall be announced by the Camp Director or administration and shall be observed as part of this Code of Conduct.
This is a Release of Liability, Indemnification and Assumption of Risk Agreement. Read it carefully and sign below. Completion of this form is required before the above-named Minor participates in the Activity. This document cannot be altered or modified by any verbal or written statements.